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تحميل برامج كمبيوتر كاملة 2024 برابط مباشر - منتديات ساسو سوفت
قديم منذ /22-03-2013, 01:49 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية شىش

:: عضو جديد ::

شىش غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 2866
 تاريخ التسجيل : 6 - 9 - 2009
 المشاركات : 9
 النقاط : شىش has a spectacular aura aboutشىش has a spectacular aura aboutشىش has a spectacular aura about
 تقييم المستوى : 0

افتراضي مع مجموعة تطبيقات لبرنامج الفوتوشوب Kelby Training - Photoshop CS6 Collection (2012)

مجموعة تطبيقات لبرنامج الفوتوشوب Kelby Training - Photoshop CS6 Collection (2012)

معلومات عن الكورس
باللغة الانجليزي
الحجم 10.6 جيجا

الشكرة المنتجة
Kelby Training - Photoshop CS6 Collection (2012)

وصوف الكورس

Photoshop CS6: Bridge

Year : 2012 Manufacturer : Kelby Training Author : Rafael Concepcion Duration : 1 hour and distributed by type of material : Video Tutorial Language : English Description : Bridge CS6 is a powerful program that's installed alongside many Adobe Creative Suite programs. This program serves as the file monitor and home base for many different types of programs. RC Concepcion goes over how easy it is to find, open, and organize yourself in Bridge CS6.

# Introduction (1:07)
Navigating the Interface Bridge (four twenty-one)
Viewing Images in Bridge (5:27)
Sorting and Organizing Your Files (6:50)
Importing Media and Making Folders (5:00)
Navigating Through Folders and the Address Bar (six twenty-five)
Creating Collections (4:15)
Keywording Your Media (3:55)
Metadata for your Files (5:24)
CS6 Bridge, Camera Raw, and Photoshop (05 36)
PDF Output in Bridge CS6 (5:37)
Output in HTML Bridge CS6 (4:36)
Using Mini Bridge in Photoshop CS6 (two four)
Conclusion (00:26)

Photoshop CS6: Automations

ear : 2012 Manufacturer : Kelby Training Author : Rafael Concepcion Length : 1:21 h distributed by type of material : Video Tutorial Language : English Description : Learn how to automate common processes in Adobe Photoshop from creating actions and batch processing, to creating Droplets. This class will teach you how to use your time more efficiently and leverage some of the new features of Photoshop CS6.

# Introduction (1:05)
Creating an Action (5:38)
Recording Tool (4:25)
Inserting and Stop Conditions in Actions (5:33)
Insert Menu Items (three twenty)
Batching an Action ( twelve fourteen)
Importing Exporting an Actions (three twenty-two)
What Is a Droplet? (6:06)
Creating a Droplet for Lightroom (seven thirty-two)
Creating a Watermark Translucent (seven ten)
Placing an Image in an Action (10:52)
Installing Script Listener (3:53)
Using ScriptListener Create a jsx to File (3:19)
Running A ********** Command (six sixteen)
Conclusion (00:53)

Photoshop CS6: 3D

Year : 2012 Manufacturer : Kelby Training Author : Corey Barker Time : 2:04 h distributed by type of material : Video Tutorial Language : English Description : Explore and exciting wave of possibilities with the newly enhanced 3D features in Photoshop CS6 Extended. With these new performance enhancements, implementing 3D into your design work has never been easier or more fun! Join Corey as he shows you how to hit the ground running with these newly enhanced and intuitive features. If you haven't started experimenting with 3D yet, now is the time!

# Introduction (1:22)
# Creating a 3D Object (eleven forty-two)
# Importing 3D (5:57)
# Understanding the 3D Space (twelve eleven) this lesson.
# 3D & Properties Panels (9:17)
# extruding Modifying & Custom Shapes (8:11)
# Editbale 3D Text (8:10)
# Revolving A 3D Object (7:23) Check out IT!
# Merging 3D Objects (7:14)
# Texture & Surface Properties 1 (11: 13)
# Texture & Surface Properties 2 (ten one)
# 1 3D Lighting (eleven two)
3D Lighting # 2 (8:42)
# Putting IT all Together (eleven six)
# Conclusion (00:54)

Photoshop CS6: Video

Year : 2012 Manufacturer : Kelby Training Author : Rafael Concepcion Length : 1:34 h distributed by type of material : Video Tutorial Language : English Description : Photographers have recently started experimenting with creating video on their DSLR cameras. The only problem with this has been that no one really wants to go out and learn another program to edit and produce this video. Now, in Photoshop CS6 you have the power to make a compelling video with images using a familiar tool. RC Concepcion will take you through, step by step to create an appealing video, right inside of Photoshop.

# Introduction (1:23)

Opening a Movie in Photoshop (four twenty-eight)
Trim Extend, Delete, Mute, and Speed ??(5:34)
Transitions and Adjusting Transtions (6:14)
Adding Music (eight forty-nine)
Adding Titles and Text and Background (nine twenty)
Text Effects and Title (five fifty-five)
Project 2 - Project DSLR (9:35)
DSLR Project: Music, Titling and Text Effects (6:35)
Animating styles (12:10)
Ken Burns Effects (ten twenty-nine)
Video and Images (10:53)
Exporting the Video (two twenty-six)
Conclusion (00:26)

Photoshop CS6 - HDR

Photoshop is the program that some have come to know for finishing HDR Images but, more often than not, it’s overlooked as the source of producing great HDR files. RC Concepcion shows you how to create the most compelling HDRs by going through the entire process, start-to-finish, using only Photoshop.

Photoshop CS6 - Brushes and Painting

Being able to create artistic images with Photoshop has never been easier with the new brushes and performance delivered in CS6. With the addition of Airbrush and Erodible tips, along with the mixer brush features, you can replicate real world art media and techniques inside of Photoshop. Whether you prefer pastels and oils, or watercolor and cartooning, Pete Collins, co-host of PhotoshopUserTV, will show you how to use the tools and techniques to begin to bring your vision to life.

Photoshop CS6 - Design Features

Photoshop CS6 has loads of new design features from the way it handles type to new vector layers. Understanding all of the various functions geared towards the designer will allow you to become more creative and effective. In this class, Pete Collins, co-host of PhotoshopUserTV, will provide in depth tips and tricks on all of the ways CS6 can make your life much easier.


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أقوى كورس لتعليم الفوتوشوب KelbyTraining Photoshop CS6 Collection 2012 على الميديافير جمال منتدى دروس الفوتوشوب 5 09-04-2013 02:20 PM
Adobe Photoshop Effects Video Training دوروس في الفوتوشوب ksem منتدى دروس الفوتوشوب 0 29-04-2010 12:00 AM
تعلم الفوتوشوب على أصوله Total Training Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Essentials DVD ayman منتدى دروس الفوتوشوب 0 13-04-2010 11:25 PM
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Arabic Training DVD3 لتعليم الفوتوشوب بإحتراف mohaba منتدى دروس الفوتوشوب 0 28-02-2010 01:19 PM
Total training for adobe photoshop cs2 dvd 1 كورس تعليم الفوتوشوب nader منتدى دروس الفوتوشوب 1 06-10-2009 11:59 PM


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