تحميل البرامج الكاملة والمدفوعة مجانا - Free Download يختص بالبرامج الكاملة المجانية - Free full software

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تحميل برامج كمبيوتر كاملة 2024 برابط مباشر - منتديات ساسو سوفت
قديم منذ /22-06-2012, 10:22 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية ahmed_new

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ahmed_new غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 21921
 تاريخ التسجيل : 19 - 12 - 2010
 المشاركات : 723
 النقاط : ahmed_new شروحات مواضيعahmed_new شروحات مواضيع
 تقييم المستوى : 30

افتراضي TeamSpeak Client 3.0.7 للمحادثات الصوتية المجانى برابط مباشر

TeamSpeak Client 3.0.7

برنامج المحادثات الصوتية Teamspeak Client
تحميل برنامج المحادثات الصوتية Teamspeak Client,إذا كنت تبحث عن تطبيق للتواصل من خلاله مع الإصدقاء عبر الويب.. سوف يتبادر إلى الذهن برنامج الياهو... ولكن سرعان ما سوف تمل بسبب طبيعية المحادثات الكتابية... إذن سوف يتبادر إلى ذهنك برنامج سكايب وهو بحق برنامج قوى لأجراء المحادثات النصية والصوتية معاً ولكن سوف لا تجد خصوصية فى تلك المحادثات خاصة فى غرف المحادثات المختلفة,ولكن مع هذا البرنامج سوف تكون قادراً على التواصل مع الأفراد مع جميع أنحاء العالم وتقوم بإجراء شات صوتي معهم فكل ما تحتاجه هو حساب على هذا التطبيق ومايكروفون للتحدث من خلاله وهذا البرنامج يعتبر طفرة فى عالم التواصل الإفتراضي (الويب )

TeamSpeak is flexible, powerful, scalable software which enables people to speak with one another over the Internet. TeamSpeak consists of both client and server software. The server acts as a host to multiple client connections, capable of handling literally thousands of simultaneous users.

Improved Voice Quality and Latency

TeamSpeak 3's voice quality is truly revolutionary. Featuring completely new codecs, automatic microphone adjustment, advanced noise reduction and echo cancelation, TeamSpeak 3 offers only the highest quality in voice communication. Users can finally say goodbye to echo, feedback, and background buzzing noises as the evolution of quality voice communication has arrived. In addition, we've significantly lowered the latency (the amount of time it takes for your voice to be "heard" on the other side) compared with TeamSpeak 2 and other voice communication software solutions.

Raising the Bar

TeamSpeak 3 was designed with cutting edge hardware in mind. Thus, it will have full support for the latest G-keys from Logitech in addition to other currently unannounced hardware manufacturers.
It's also possible to connect to multiple servers at once using "tabs" similar to what is found in most web browsers so now you can administer or participate in multiple TeamSpeak 3 Servers at the same time. In addition, support for multiple audio devices and outputs over simultaneously connected servers is also available. Preferred servers are now stored as bookmarks, similar to your favorite web browser.

Stunning 3D Sound Effects

TeamSpeak 3 now features fully integrated 3D sound support which allows spatial placement of sound effects and audio streams. This creates the illusion of a sound source being placed anywhere in three dimensional space, including behind, to the left of, to the right of, above, or below the listener. The possibilities and applications of 3D sound are virtually endless with TeamSpeak 3. Other TeamSpeak users can be virtually placed around your own audible position. Place conference hosts in front of the attendees or team mates around your own player position. No special hardware is needed. Simply use your headset or 5.1/7.1 speakers to enjoy spatial sound.

Powerful Permissions System

The TeamSpeak 3 Server features a completely overhauled, hierachrical permissions system with the ability to dynamically create, define, and apply group permissions as you see fit. This provides server administrators superior control and effective tools for managing and building social networks.

Improved Security and Privacy

TeamSpeak 3 introduces a new authentication system. Instead of using a combination of username and password, the TeamSpeak 3 Client creates unique identities which are stored and tracked by every TeamSpeak 3 Server you're connecting to. For administrators, this eliminates the need to manually register a username and password with the server and allows administrators to assign a set of permissions to your identity which can be automatically recalled by the server every time you connect. The end result is strengthened security and improved administration with eliminated username and password issues, effectively making the process of administering users far less tedious than ever before.

Friends and Foes

Track your friends (and foes) through TeamSpeak 3's all new Friends/Foes list. When a friend or foe is added, the TeamSpeak 3 Client remembers your friend or foe's unique identity regardless of whether they change their display/nickname, and regardless of what server you're connected to. TeamSpeak 3 allows you to assign a custom nickname to your friends and can play a custom sound event when your friends come online. TeamSpeak 3 also tracks your friends/foes "last seen" date and allows you to permanently mute/ignore your foes.

Firewall Friendly File Transfer

Maximize your online collaborative experience with TeamSpeak 3's all new file transfer features. Depending on your permissions, users can recursively upload or download files on a per-channel basis or into a common folder tree. All files are stored directly on the TeamSpeak 3 Server. Users no longer need to worry about how to setup FTP or mess with complicated firewall issues or other file sharing solutions. TeamSpeak 3 makes file sharing a breeze.

Improved Licensing System

The TeamSpeak 3 Server introduces a completely new licensing system containing simplified, automatic, and effective tracking of all of your licensed servers. The former, tedious "registration by IP" process has been replaced with an encrypted key which allows your TeamSpeak 3 Server environment to be tracked and licensed automatically. As an added option, the TeamSpeak 3 Client can also indicate to users who the host provider is and provide a link back to your website

File Name : TeamSpeak3-Client-win32-3.0.7.exe

File Size : 28.4 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware




المصدر : مدونة ساسو سوفت

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3.0.7, للمحادثات, مباشر, المجاني, الصوتية, client, برابط, teamspeak

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TeamSpeak Client 3.0.9 للمحادثة الصوتية المجانى ahmed_new تحميل البرامج الكاملة والمدفوعة مجانا - Free Download 0 25-10-2012 11:12 PM
TeamSpeak Client للمحادثات الصوتية المجانى برابط مباشر ahmed_new تحميل البرامج الكاملة والمدفوعة مجانا - Free Download 0 31-08-2012 08:20 PM
TeamSpeak Server برنامج المحادثات الصوتية برابط مباشر ahmed_new تحميل البرامج الكاملة والمدفوعة مجانا - Free Download 0 16-07-2012 10:00 PM
TeamSpeak Client 3.0.8 للمحادثات الصوتية المجانى برابط مباشر ahmed_new تحميل البرامج الكاملة والمدفوعة مجانا - Free Download 0 16-07-2012 09:58 PM


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