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موعدنا اليوم مع برنامج عملاق إدارة الملفات وتصفحها
Total Commander 11.00
شعار البرنامج
عملاق إدارة الملفات وتصفحها Total Commander Ultima Prime 5.2
البرنامج عبارة على شكل متصفح الملفات explorer
ومضاف إليه كمية كبيرة ومتميزة من البرامج الملحقة
وهو قائم على عمل اضافات للبرنامج الأصلى Total Commander 7 -2007
البرنامج بصراحة عبارة عن تحفة مميزة
تحتوى على العديد من البرامج المفيدة جدا
التى تساعد فى ضبط الجهاز والسيطرة على الملفات وفتحها
والكثير والكثير
QUOTE]Features of Total Commander]
• Two file windows side by side
• Multiple language support
• Enhanced search function
• Compare files / synchronize directories• Quick View panel with bitmap display
• ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling + plugins
• Built-in FTP client with FXP (server to server) and HTTP proxy support
• Parallel port link, multi-rename tool
• Tabbed interface, regular expressions, history+favorites buttons
• Thumbnails view, custom columns, enhanced search
• Compare editor, cursor in lister, separate trees, logging, enhanced overwrite dialog etc.
• New: Unicode names almost everywhere, long names (>259 characters), password manager for ftp and plugins, synchronize empty dirs, 64 bit context menu, quick file filter (Ctrl+S)
• And many more!
Changes in Total Commander Ultima Prime 5.9 (2013 11 30):
- Added “Opera Mail” application.
- Updated and enhanced installer code.
- Added function to maximize “Total Commander” at start, for most of screen resolutions.
- Added coloring in “Total Commander” for directories and files created 5 minutes earlier and hidden files.
- Adaptation of the “Opera” application to effectively browse the Internet.
- Updated “AIMP” application to the newest version (3.55 build 1324).
- Updated “Free Download Manager” application to the newest version (3.9.3 build 1360).
- Updated “KeePass” application to the newest version (1.26).
- Updated “Notepad++” application to the newest version (6.5.1 UNICODE).
- Updated “Opera” application to the newest version (18.0.1284.49).
- Updated “Recuva” application to the newest version (1.49.1019).
- Updated “SumatraPDF” application to the newest version (2.4).
- Updated “TeamViewer” application to the newest version (8.0.22298P).
- Updated “Total Commander” application to the newest (8.50 Beta11).
- Updated “uTorrent” application to the newest version (3.3.2 build 30303).
- Updated “VirtualDub” application to the newest version (1.10.4 build 35491).
- Updated “WinContig” application to the newest version (1.20a).
- Updated “XnView” application to the newest version (2.11).
- Updated “PuTTY” tool to the newest version (0.63).
- Updated “TightVNC” tool to the newest version (2.7.10).
- Removed “SiMail” application.
- Various plugins have been updated.
- Known bugs have been fixed.
البرامج الملحقة
كما يوجد به ملحقات أخرى كثير وممتازة
صفحة البرنامج
حجم البرنامج
3.53 MB

البرنامـــج مجانـــــــى
يتوافق البرنامج مع
Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

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Download Total Commander 11.00 x64 Stable

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