تحميل البرامج الكاملة والمدفوعة مجانا - Free Download يختص بالبرامج الكاملة المجانية - Free full software

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تحميل برامج كمبيوتر كاملة 2024 برابط مباشر - منتديات ساسو سوفت
قديم منذ /24-08-2012, 04:30 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية ahmed_new

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ahmed_new غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 21921
 تاريخ التسجيل : 19 - 12 - 2010
 المشاركات : 723
 النقاط : ahmed_new شروحات مواضيعahmed_new شروحات مواضيع
 تقييم المستوى : 30

افتراضي VMware Workstation 9.0.0 لانشاء أجهزة وهمية داخل جهازك

VMware Workstation 9.0.0

الاحترافى فى انشاء أجهزة وهمية داخل جهازك فيقوم البرنامج بعمل جهاز وهمى ويمكنك تنصيب جميع الانظمة عليه مثل جميع اصدارات ميكرو سوفت كما يدعم جميع الانظمة الاخرى من مميزات البرنامج أنه من خلاله تقوم بالعمل على تجربة الأنظمة و البرامج قبل استخدمها على جهازك الاساسى وكافة استخدماتك التى تقوم بها على جهازك الحقيقى يمكنك عملها على الجهاز الوهمى
البرنامج غنى عن التعريف

VMware Workstation: Run Multiple OS Including Linux ; Windows7 and more on Virtual Machines. VMware Workstation is recognized for its broad operating system support, rich user experience, comprehensive feature set, and high performance. It's the perfect companion for any technical professional that wants to save significant time with a tool that is backed by world-class support.

Put the Cloud in Your PC

•Run a full web or cloud environment on your PC, including VMware Micro Cloud Foundry. Run as a server to share virtual machines with your team, department, or anyone in your organization. Remotely connect to virtual machines running on VMware vSphere. Simply drag and drop to move virtual machines to a VMware vSphere server. Run, share, connect, or move virtual machines, it’s a whole new way to work.
Take Your Productivity to the Next Level

•Run applications in Linux, Windows, and more at the same time on the same PC without rebooting. Evaluate and test new operating systems, applications and patches in an isolated environment. Demonstrate complex software applications on a single laptop in a repeatable, reliable manner. Rich integration with Visual Studio, Eclipse, and the SpringSource Tool Suite make it incredibly easy to test applications on multiple platforms.
Run Your Most Demanding Applications

•Create virtual machines with up to 8 virtual processors or 8 virtual cores, 2 TB virtual disks and up to 64 GB of memory per virtual machine to run the most demanding applications. Protect your virtual machines from prying eyes with 256-bit AES encryption and smart card authentication.
Best 3D Graphics Just Got Better

•VMware Workstation was the first to support 3D graphics in virtualized environments and was the first to support Windows Aero in Windows Vista and Windows 7 virtual machines. Run even more 3D applications with support for DirectX 9.0c Shader Model 3 and OpenGL 2.13D graphics in Windows virtual machines.
What's New in VMware Workstation 8 !

VMware Workstation 8 is your on-ramp to the cloud. With over 50 new features, it’s going to dramatically change the way you work with virtual machines. Save time, enhance collaboration, and do more than you ever thought possible with a PC.

Access Anytime, Anywhere

•VMware Workstation provides a seamless way to access all of the virtual machines you need, regardless of where they are running. Connect to Server enables remote connections to virtual machines running on VMware Workstation, VMware vSphere, and VMware vCenter. Now you can work with local and server hosted virtual machines side by side within the same interface. You are no longer constrained by the power of your PC to run multiple virtual machines at the same time.
Share the Benefits

•Sharing a virtual machine is quickest way to share and test applications with your team in a more production like environment. Run VMware Workstation as a server to share virtual machines with your teammates, department, or organization. VMware Workstation provides enterprise caliber control over user access.
New UI, New Way to Work

•So you can seamlessly work in a connected workspace, VMware Workstation’s user interface has been completely revamped with simplified menus, live thumbnails, improved preferences screens, and a new virtual machine library. The new virtual machine library lists all of your virtual machines and allows you to search for them, whether they are running on your PC, a vSphere server, or team member’s copy of VMware Workstation.
Unleash the Power of Your PC

•VMware Workstation takes advantage of the latest hardware to replicate server and desktop environments. Create virtual machines with up to 64GB of RAM with significantly improved virtual SMP performance. And now for those times when you need it, virtual VT enables you to run 64-bit nested virtual machines. Additional improvements include improved NAT performance and support for HD audio, SuperSpeed USB (USB 3.0) and Bluetooth.
From PC to Datacenter

•Simply drag and drop a virtual machine to move it from your PC to a VMware vSphere server. It’s the easiest way to deploy a complete application environment from your PC to a server for further testing, demoing, or analysis

File Name : VMware-workstation-full-8.0.3-703057.exe

File Size : 425 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Trial


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VMware Workstation 8.0.4 لانشاء أجهزة وهمية داخل جهازك برابط مباشر ahmed_new تحميل البرامج الكاملة والمدفوعة مجانا - Free Download 0 14-06-2012 10:17 PM
برنامج VMware Workstation 8.0.3 لانشاء أجهزة وهمية داخل جهازك برابط مباشر ahmed_new تحميل البرامج الكاملة والمدفوعة مجانا - Free Download 0 04-05-2012 11:07 PM


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