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موعدنا اليوم مع برنامج رائع لادارة الملفات وارشفتها
Multi Commander 6.4.6 Build 2246
شعار البرنامج
Commander هو مدير وعارض لملفات نظام تشغيل ويندوز – لوكنت قد استخدمت فى أى وقت مضى برنامج Norton commander و أعجبت به ، فسوف تحب هذا البرنامج مزدوج النوافذ .
إن برنامج EF Commander هو مدير الملفات متعدده الملامح والمعقدة يحظى بمدى واسع من المستخدمين ، من المبتدئين حتى المحترفين ، سوف تجده سهل الإستخدام . وهو نتيجه للعديد من الطلبات التى استقبلها المؤلف .
أول إصدار تمت كتابته عام 1994 ، تحت نظام تشغيل OS/2 بإستخدام مدير العرض Presentation Manager كبديل شخصى لبرنامج الدوس القديم Norton commander. وفى عام 1996 ، تحول إلى نظام تشغيل مايكروسوفت ويندوز 32 بت .
اقتباس: |
EF Commander features include:
• Easy to use. The modern interface helps you to have full control over your files and folders.
• Tabbed interface. Define just the views you need in each pane for your folders and files.
• Built-in media player. The EF Commander have a full featured hi quality audio player with playlist and ID3 Tag support. Plays in background with less resources usage MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, FLAC, WMA and WAV. More formats can be play over Winamp Plugins.
• Multirename tool. A versatile function for comfortable renaming of numerous files in a processing step. Use a flexible concept for the clear definition of renaming rules, include rules for MP3 files and EXIF informations.
• Thumbnails. Quickly and easily get an overview your photos or other image collections.
• Parallel file operations. All long operations are run with multi-tasking. You can run any number of different operations at the same time, or several instances of the same operation — for example, you can have several “copy” commands going simultaneously.
• Direct link to PDAs with Windows CE. EF Commander was the first file manager worldwide with this feature. Handle your data in the same way as on your desktop or laptop computer.
• Burn CDs and DVDs direct from EF Commander. Nero Burning ROM (www.nero.com) is required.
• Internal packers for more than 20 archive formats. Use EF Commander to pack files or whole folders in any of the common archive formats. No external programs are required. Supported formats: 7-Zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, RPM, SFX, SQX, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, ZIP, Zip64, ZOO
• Internal viewer for more than 30 file formats. View picture files and movies, and play MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, FLAC, WMA and WAV audio files, without having to use any other software.
• Use XnView and IrfanView as add-ons. Enlarge the number of available formats to 400 or more. EF Commander runs quietly in the background, but remains fully available to you. Files can also be managed in the internal viewer, in the quick view mode, or as thumbnails.
• Fast FTP/FTPS client. The built-in FTP client features resume download and FxP (server to server transfers), FTPS secure (SSL/TLS) connection.
• Internal text and HEX editor. EF Commander has full text and hex editors for files that are limited only by your system resources.
• Functions to split/join large files. Split large files into smaller parts, and recombine the parts.
• Create/Verify checksums. Check the integrity of your data. EF Commandersupports the SFV, MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512 formats.
• Synchronize function. Synchronize your notebook or your LAN with your work station.
• External plug-in support for packers, viewers, file system and contents. Extend the functionality of EF Commander with external plugins. Supported formats include WLX, WCX, WFX and Winamp decode plugins.
• and much more…
The following languages are included in the package:
- English, German, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Galician, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Taiwan, Ukrainian
Changes in Multi Commander 4.6.2 Build 1804 (1-Nov-2014):
– FIXED – 5 Crash issues reported by crash report system
– also 150+ Changes since v4.5
صفحة البرنامج
حجم البرنامج
Size: 5.82 MB
البرنامج يدعم الانظمة الآتية :
Supported OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.
البرنامـــج مجانـــــــى
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